Specialists in direct approach
Langjährige Erfahrung in der Direktansprache von Fach- und Führungskräften, befähigen uns offene Stellen schnell und passend zu besetzen. Unser methodisches Vorgehen bei der Direktansprache, unser Netzwerk und unsere Branchenexpertise sind bei FELD32 das Fundament für den Erfolg unserer Dienstleistung.
Our services
FELD32 besetzt Vakanzen, schnell, vertrauensvoll und diskret. Wir sind ein Personaldienstleister, bei dem die Orientierung an den Bedürfnissen von Kunden und Kandidaten/-innen im Mittelpunkt steht. Neben der reinen Besetzung einer Vakanz lassen wir uns immer an der Qualität unseres Service messen.
We have extensive experience in the energy and chemical industries. In other words, we have successfully realised many projects, we have tried out new things, tested them and often discarded them. We therefore not only know what we can do, we know above all what works.
Our four fields of action
In our search for specialists and managers, we focus on the classic approach: direct contact, dialogue with people. We leave the mass algorithm-supported sifting through data and quantitative contacting of people to others. Why we are convinced of this, or why we know that the individual approach is the key to success, is described here with a wink.
Customised solution
Every personnel search is new and individual. The interplay of company organisation, functions and interfaces in a position is always a unique combination. A job description is limiting and can only be a start. When it comes to drawing the attention of the right people to an opportunity, a vacancy, or working out what is special about a company, a task, much more is needed. Often the right people, the "perfect match", are not reached in a way that arouses their curiosity. A customised approach is therefore always the better decision.